Sewcial Sunday, Uncategorized

Sewcial Sunday 04.28.19

Here are all of the products that I talked about on this week’s Sewcial Sunday for April 28, 2019!

You can watch me LIVE every Sunday at 7pm CT on Facebook and YouTube! If you miss the live show, you can watch the recording anytime.

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Tie rack –

Crafty Gemini –

Shannon Fabrics Cuddle –

Comic Book Boards –

‘Hand Dyed’ by Anna Joyce –

Snap Setter Tool –

Melody Miller fabrics –


Watch past Sewcial Sunday videos!

12 thoughts on “Sewcial Sunday 04.28.19

  1. Teri says:

    Eggs and toast

  2. Patricia Bischoff says:

    Hi Sara, bag lady here. My favorite breakfast is yogurt, fruit, and granola.

  3. Judi Peristy says:

    Hi Sara and Danny, my favorite brekkie is pancakes and crispy bacon

  4. Ursula Hawkins says:

    Blueberry Bagel /w Philadelphia Cream Cheese!

  5. Susan Powell says:

    Please do what it takes to take care of yourself. You are like a friend, although we have never met. I want the best for my friends, even if I won’t see them for a while. I will be praying for you and your family.

  6. Patty McArdle says:

    Hello Sara!! You take care of you!! My go to breakfast is French Toast! Love it with powdered sugar and lots of sticky syrup!

  7. Margaret Rios says:

    Hi Sara,
    Please take care of yourself. We all need to take a break to refresh. You are so detailed in your teachings; I enjoy watching you and I appreciate you. You really love sewing.
    My favorite breakfast food is anything w/bacon. A few good almost burnt pieces of bacon w/scrambled eggs, butter on sourdough bread and a hot cup of cappuccino. MmMm 🙂

  8. Jenny Liao says:

    Sara, I so admire your strength and kindness, as well and your courage to share your vulnerability with the rest of us. Please take as long as you need to take care of yourself. You are loved!

    My favorite breakfast food is eggs. 🙂

  9. Susan Clay says:

    Take care of yourself, Sara. We will be here when you are feeling better.

  10. Jennifer Havket says:

    My favorite breakfast food is pancakes.
    Thanks for your honesty, it’s hard to always be ON. Your so sweet to watch and we will be watching whenever it is right for you. ❤️

  11. bknezevich says:

    My favorite breakfast is a veggie omelet at a restaurant.
    Sara – thanks for all the great videos, tips and awesome patterns. I look forward to seeing you again on the live shows when you’re rested and ready!

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