Sewcial Sunday, Uncategorized

Sewcial Sunday 03.10.19

Here are all of the products that I talked about on this week’s Sewcial Sunday for March 10, 2019!

You can watch me LIVE every Sunday at 7pm CT on Facebook and YouTube! If you miss the live show, you can watch the recording anytime.

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Windham Succulent fabric –

Cork fabric –

Harris Tweed –

Book Club –

Natalie Fergie’s post in our Facebook Group –

‘Diary in Stitches’ by Minki Kim –

Fray Block –


Watch past Sewcial Sunday videos!

9 thoughts on “Sewcial Sunday 03.10.19

  1. Marilyn ornelas says:

    Sara I have really enjoyed your programs. I love making bags and this summer hope to begin making each one of yours. I particularly like to make bags that are challenging and I’m ready to make another travel bag, which one would you suggest. I am a fashion teacher with very little time so I look forward to summer when I can hide away in my sewing room. Thank you for all you do. I usually get up between 4 and 5 daily, cant seem to sleep.

  2. Brenda Jackson says:

    I am up most days by 5am. Workday starts at 6:30

  3. Debbie says:

    Hi , I love making your bags and your videos are so detailed and helpful . I am so glad that you permit the sale of bags made from your patterns .
    Can you or your viewers give me some ideas for designers of craft fair items , toys , decorative items that permit there designs to be sold .
    I really want to expand but am really afraid of infringing copyright or having any legal repercussions .
    Thank you

    1. Sara Lawson says:

      Hi Debbie, without making this into a novel, unless you purchase a pattern and go into a “contract” with the designer (which most commonly means they have a checkbox on their website at checkout saying that you agree to not make and sell items made from the pattern you are purchasing), you can make and sell items made from a pattern on a home-sewist level. I’m not a lawyer, but I do enjoy watching webinars done by lawyers (the Artist’s JD is my favorite, you can find her at

      1. Debbie Jobes says:

        Thanks Sara , that’s really interesting – thank you .
        P.S. Really enjoyed the Book Club show , watched this morning – my time –
        Keep up the great work
        Grateful Baglady x

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