
Bottled Rainbows: Plum Block

I used Kona Violet to make this block for the Bottled Rainbows Quilt Along. I have a decent amount of fabric scraps, but I am quickly learning that it is hard finding enough scraps for each block! I suppose some blocks will be easier for me than others (pinks, blues). Still having a great time, though!!

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7 thoughts on “Bottled Rainbows: Plum Block

  1. Some super cute fabrics in there!

  2. Megan says:

    Looks great Sara!

  3. Tezzcan says:

    Gorgeous Block

  4. suemac says:

    I do have a lot of purple fabric. Purple is my husband’s favorite color. That block should go fast.

  5. Annaliese says:

    Okay that couch is just too funny! Love it. I have to many projects going right now to justify starting a new one, but this looks like such a unique stash buster!

  6. Kim says:

    Simply beautiful Sara! LMK if you need other colors, I am sure I can find some *giggle*

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