
Week 2: Heather Ross Quilt Along

Ready to sew! Last week I got all my fabrics cut for the Heather Ross Quilt Along. Week 2 is for assembling the first row (so, 5 blocks). I am using the tutorial for the Boxed In quilt from Freckled Whimsy for my quilt. I sewed the strip on the top and bottom of the 5″ square, then sewed on the sides. Since each of those 4 strips are different sizes, I chose them in random orders so all the squares don’t look the same.

Since I am not sure of the layout of the blocks yet, I am going to wait until assembly is finished to start sewing the blocks together in rows.

I was nervous about using solids for the outside of my squares, but I think it’s really coming together! I can’t wait to get more done!

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4 thoughts on “Week 2: Heather Ross Quilt Along

  1. Anonymous says:

    Love the bright borders!!!!! Kim :o)

  2. Bree says:

    Love the bright colors, can’t wait to see this finished.

    Your tutorial link is broken, just wanted to let you know!

  3. Wow! I must admit I was a little skeptical when I saw your stack of solids on Flickr, since I’ve really only seen Munki quilts with pastel borders. But these blocks look AMAZING! Didn’t you say you were doing 42 blocks?

  4. Bree says:

    I was just looking through some of my fabric, stumbled on the HR stuff I thought I had lost (YAY!), and remembered I hadn’t seen an update on this in a while. How’s it coming?

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