
Bento Box Quilt Block

This is the first month of the Mod Stash Quilting Bee. If you’re not familiar with a quilting bee, a group of people get together (in this case, it’s 12) and each person has their ‘month’ where they are the host. They designate what block that want and any other specifics (such as what colors they do or do not like, or how to press your seams). Everyone else has to make that block and mail to the host. This is a 6 month bee, so there are two hosts per month. At the end, you’ll have enough blocks to make a quilt!

I finished my first block for the bee. This block is for Kelly, and I have to say, it is sort of nerve-wracking to make something for someone else. I have no problem sewing things (and making mistakes on my things) for myself, but sewing for someone else is a whole other story. My biggest issue is if they will like the fabrics I’ve chosen. Kelly’s block was a little easier for the fact that the design was specific (as opposed to a free form design where you can sort of do whatever), so all I had to worry about was the fabrics.

Kelly chose a Bento Box quilt. The tutorial for that came from Film in the Fridge. Basically you make a 16″ block and then cut it into quarters, and sew the quarters with parts from other blocks. Kelly’s instructions were for the block to remain uncut so that it doesn’t unravel threads in the mail.

Completed Bento Box quilt from Film in the Fridge

Kelly said she was drawn to non-primary colors, so I chose complementary (two colors that are across from each other on the color wheel) colors of pink and green (teal). The two outer rings of my block were made with Moda ‘It’s a Hoot’ fabrics that I have scraps of from the quilt that I finished a couple weeks ago. Kelly also wanted one of the rings to be made with Kona white, which was my next ring. After the white, I chose Alexander Henry Kleo in sage. For the center, I used a fabric from Free Spirit which I can’t remember the name of. Bohemian-something? I dunno.

Anyway, I hope Kelly likes this block. 🙂

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3 thoughts on “Bento Box Quilt Block

  1. H2Ogirl says:

    it’s more than lovely. . how on earth did you cut into your ‘it’s a hoot’ fabric?

  2. gill says:

    It’s gorgeous!
    I’m sure Kelly will love it!

  3. Kelly Irene says:

    I *LOVE* it! Sara, this block is gorgeous and I can’t wait to get it!

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