
“The Great $25 a Month Sewing Allowance”

So, if you read from my last post, I am going on a $25 a month sewing allowance. That means $25 a month to spend on fabric, interfacing, zippers, thread, and other sewing supplies. And yes, this $25 also includes tax and/or shipping fees.

Stephany from Boy or Girled Cheese commented and said she would also like to attempt this. I lamented all the fabric that I would not be able to buy in the future. But I thought, well, if I can do this and other people can do this, it can’t be so bad.

So starting Tuesday (February 1st), I am going to save my receipts, keep a tally, and take photographs of what I am able to buy for my $25. And then each month afterward, if I can keep this going.

Want to play? Join the Flickr Group. Let’s help keep each other motivated! At the end of each month, post your spending tally and your photos of what you purchased.

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9 thoughts on ““The Great $25 a Month Sewing Allowance”

  1. Kelly says:

    i’ll join! my husband and i were just talking about budgeting, and my fabric spending definitely came up. 🙂 he’ll appreciate this.

  2. Lee Ann says:

    Haha I just commented on the other post, but I am there!

  3. Mary says:

    You can do it! Have you considered selling handmade goodies on Etsy to make a little cash for your fabric budget? I’ve been doing that since somewhere around September or October, and even though I haven’t sold a ton of handmade stuff, it’s been enough to keep my sewing hobby self-sufficient 🙂

  4. Stephany says:

    More Creativity with less $$$$$!!!! 🙂

  5. I sorta went over that this month, though not by much. I bought nothing but a zipper or two between November and the middle of January, and it was totally possible because I used what I had already. Some things didn’t have the exact fabric I really wanted, but it still was fun to do! So, instead of picking a project, look at your fabric and find a project that will fit most of what you already have!

  6. Kelly Irene says:

    We started a serious budget in January, and while I don’t have a “sewing allowance” I do have a “fun money allowance” which includes sewing. I actually found this to be really freeing because instead of feeling guilty about buying fabric I know it is “my” money to use as I please (within healthy marital limits, of course!) It also helped me say NO to fabrics I liked but wasn’t crazy about because I wanted to save that money to buy what I really wanted.
    I hope the allowance is a good thing for you and you are able to enjoy working within it!!

  7. Sara says:

    My friend Steph over at BoyGirlCheesed recommended this and so here I am ready to spend that 25 SMACKEROOS!!! (a month of course!)

  8. Sorry about the Jenaveve post!! The only way I am able to spend more than $25 a month is because I have to stock or purchase for my business. That’s why I LOVE my job!!!! I always shop sales, tho and I’m on everyone’s email list. fabric.com has some amazing coupons & closeouts, hawthornethreads rewards you for the quantity you buy as well as historically. quilthome has a designer ‘on sale’ every week. I get the trueup sales sheet and fabricshopper sales sheet every week for everyone else. Great resources!

  9. IrishLeesa says:

    I can do this, but only because I have a stockpile of fabric from last year and not enough time to do everything.LOL. Definitely go to thrift stores. I make totebags and go to thrift stores to buy cheap bags to destroy and repupose. Great source for handbag notions like zippers, buckles, etc. I even know of one lady here who bought a certain designer bag at a thrift store, deconstructed it and used almost everything to make a totally new design bag.

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