
Somebody Loves Me

I came home tonight with my kids, and found that something had come in the mail for me. My friend, Kim, sent me a package of 1/2 yard cuts of fabric, and when I saw what it was…I just started crying. If you are familiar with fabrics, you know that these Heather Ross fabrics are pretty much priceless. I’ve never met Kim, but we’ve been internet and sewing friends for several years. I met her on a cloth diapering website.

When she told me that she was sending me something for Christmas, I could never have imagined that she would send me THIS. I mean…this gift is just beyond words. I can’t even imagine thinking of a project good enough to use these fabrics in…but if you think of something, let me know!

Wow, I feel so very special and loved. 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Somebody Loves Me

  1. WOW!!! That is awesome! That is one Merry Christmas:)

  2. Bree says:

    I am beyond jealous! I have managed to get my hands on some scraps of the goldfish (although, I seem to have misplaced the package – tragic!) but still want the goldfish in bags! You are very lucky!

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