Sewcial Sunday, Uncategorized

Sewcial Sunday 04.08.18

Here are all of the products that I talked about on this week’s Sewcial Sunday for March 25, 2018!

You can watch me LIVE every Sunday at 7pm CT on Facebook and YouTube! If you miss the live show, you can watch the recording anytime.

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Kraftex Sampler Pack – (affiliate link)

Indigo and Aster Fabrics –

The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah – (affiliate link)

Cadence Court Block of the Month book –

This week’s winner is Marilyn Vires.


Watch past Sewcial Sunday videos!

14 thoughts on “Sewcial Sunday 04.08.18

  1. Kristi says:

    Yes I sometimes snack while sewing!

  2. Barbara Watson says:

    Sometimes I snack when sewing. If I eat, I leave the area where my fabric is. Otherwise I have a capped bottle of Diet Pepsi by my machine.

  3. Teri says:

    I love M & Ms when Sewing. Nice and neat little bits to pop in your mouth.

  4. Angela Lyons says:

    I always snack while sewing. Usually it is microwaved popcorn in my favorite large bowl, or sometimes it’s cheese puffs.

  5. Teresa says:

    I always have water but not often snacks as i would likely get it on my fabrics.

  6. Emily Pavelek says:

    I always have a stash of chocolate near by!

  7. Usually bottle water, and when I take bathroom break a get a quick bite of something I’m craving at that moment.

  8. Linda d says:

    Water in a glass with a lid. No food ever. Learned that the hard way.

  9. Linda Dewew says:

    Water only.

  10. Carol Callahan says:

    Dark chocolate of course! Its medicinal! And a thermos of tea……perfect!

  11. Jane Cwiek says:

    I always have a bottle of water when sewing. I don’t usually snack. I want my hands clean when working with the beautiful fabrics.
    P.s. i am enjoying your videos. I have sewn many garments and quilts. . .but bags are a challenge for me. They never seem to finish as crisp and professional as your finished product. I keep trying.

  12. No, I don’t snack. I just recently discovered your videos and they are the best but I miss the lives every time! I made the clutch and everyone loves it. I have the Baker Street pattern printed, is there a video for this?

  13. Fay says:

    I simply love your videos. Im excited to get started. Bit difficult to find certain products in south africa as we use different names and manufacturers in some instances, but im getting there. Thank you so much. Fay Boswell

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