
Dress Up Party – Pattern Giveaway – Closet Case Files


Today’s Dress Up Party giveaway is three .pdf patterns from Closet Case Files!
Montreal-based Heather Lou made huge waves when she released the Bombshell swimsuit pattern this year, and her success has enabled her to live the dream of quitting her day job and working towards “creating the tools that let people make beautiful things, that helped them love their bodies and harness their creative energy.”

My personal favorite is the versatile Netty bodysuit with a scoop neck and lots of options for how deep you want to scoop the back.

unnamed (1)
And the internet is going crazy about her Ginger jeans pattern. If you’ve always wanted jeans that fit, make your own!  Heather’s patterns are accurate and professional, and she created a sewalong to help you step by step. The Ginger was specifically engineered to be as flattering as possible and doable for a sewist of any level.

unnamed (2)

Thank you for reading and make sure to get yourself into the drawing, it will run for 2 days.  Remember you will win THREE amazing PDF patterns from Closet Case Files (named after Nancy Drew, of course).
Good Luck!

– Samantha from Pattern Crush

a Rafflecopter giveaway

127 thoughts on “Dress Up Party – Pattern Giveaway – Closet Case Files

  1. These look like a great set of patterns. Thanks for a chance to win some. My daughter would love the scoop neck body shirt and I especially like the jeans.

  2. Ellee says:

    Sometimes I have the radio on at low volume. Mostly I prefer quiet.

  3. sunhfarm says:

    I do. Lately, it’s been TED talks! 🙂

  4. sewsingular says:

    I either don’t put anything on at all or I put the tv on with some program like a documentary or something that I don’t pay much attention to. thank you,

  5. Rachel S. says:

    Music! I’m a showtunes kinda gal.

  6. marylou24 says:

    I like to curl up to watch something while hand sewing

  7. Julie says:

    Yes! I listen to podcasts or either reruns of favorite TV shows. Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. Birgit says:

    I always have something on while I sew, either music, or a TV series that doesn’t require me looking at the screen constantly to be able to follow, mostly sewing-related shows, like Project Runway. And great giveaway! I’ve been eyeing those ginger jeans for ages!

  9. Margo says:

    I usually have shows or movies from Netflix on in the background. Something I want to watch, but don’t have to pay full attention to. 🙂

  10. meagangracie says:

    I can’t sew without podcasts or netflix going.

  11. Anita says:

    I like to listen to audio books or podcasts while sewing.

  12. Cindy says:

    The only noise I hear when I sew is the hum of my machines. I enjoy the quiet time to escape the stress of the day.

  13. Cammie says:

    I tend to sew silently (helps me de-stress) but I do prep/cutting out to the radio

  14. Sara says:

    What a great giveaway! I usually have Netflix running in the background when I’m sewing. I like a little noise that I don’t have to pay much attention to.

  15. Alice says:

    Music when I’m at my machine, tv for hand sewing

  16. Flavia says:

    I really enjoy absolute silence when I sew…I sew mostly late night or v. early (around 5am), and at that time, or it is too late for sounds or too early!

  17. Stephanie says:

    These look great. I hope i win.

  18. Ruth says:

    I always have the TV/radio on when I’m sewing – I don’t like things too quiet!

  19. melissa says:

    I don’t listen to anything when I sew, I prefer to have contemplative quiet.

  20. Elizabeth says:

    Sometimes I listen to music or if I’m handsewing I’ll watch TV.

  21. Rita says:

    I usually have a movie on in the background, but always something I’ve seen before so that I don’t get distracted. Harry Potter films are my favorites, especially since I find the costumes and set designs inspiring. If I get stuck or need a break, I’ll fix a coffee and watch for a bit, then get back to my project.

  22. fenna says:

    My oldest son often listens to Radio Theatre in the early evening before his bedtime–I love listening to those.

  23. Mary says:

    Most often I have the sounds of two boisterous boys in the background, but when they’re sleeping I prefer peaceful silence :).

  24. Betty W. says:

    I always put on some music. If it’s too quiet my mind thinks of all the other stuff that I need to be doing and I end up rushing and not enjoying the sewing as much.

  25. mizzsmartypants says:

    I alter and cut my patterns upstairs in my dining room, so I’ll often have the TV on, but it’ll be something that I don’t have to pay close attention to, since I don’t have a great view of the living room TV. When I’m sewing in my sewing cave, I have a little shelf on a free moving arm that I keep a tablet on and it’s perfect for watching something on Netflix. Sometimes, if I’m following a sewalong or something else on my tablet, I’ll have music playing in the background.

  26. Cecilia O says:

    Podcasts – usually Stuff You Missed in History Class is my go to. When I’m picking out seams (sigh), I usually watch something I’ve recorded on TV or a bit of a movie so I don’t feel so bad.

  27. Nathalie says:

    If I’m doing some handsewing or taping pdf patterns its always in front of the TV or netflix. But when I’m sewing with my machine or cutting fabric I don’t bother to put anything on. I concentrate that well on my sewing that often I’m unable to tell what the program was about.

  28. Jana says:

    I listen to a lot of podcasts—not only when I sew, but also when I prepare dinner, clean, etc. I tend to pause them when I have to concentrate on a particularly tricky bit or read instructions. I occasionally watch TV while hand-sewing, but usually that slows me down so much that it isn’t worth it.

  29. smeebot says:

    I actually sew in total quiet. I that it gives me time where everything is turned off.

  30. Sarah Jane says:

    I have a bit of an addiction to audiobooks for when I’m crafting!

  31. Linda says:


  32. Beatiful patterns and beautiful people. What a designer you are!! Sincerely,
    Elizaeth B.

  33. Brenna says:

    I sometimes listen to audiobooks, but mostly I enjoy the silence!

  34. I listen to lots of music.

  35. Alexa says:

    I always have something on; tv series or audiobooks mainly. I love Closet case file patterns.

  36. Accacia says:

    I love listening to podcasts when I’m sewing, and am always on the lookout for a new one.

  37. Shannon Snyder says:

    My favorite is to sew in an empty house with quiet. If my family is home, often my son will play music which is just fine.

  38. lucilledupuis says:

    I listen to fluff TV programs I record for the occasion or really old music.

  39. joen says:

    I will usually pop a movie in my dvd player while in my sewing room.

  40. LisaH says:

    Sometimes music but I find I concentrate better (and make less mistakes!) with quiet 🙂

  41. Beth B says:

    I’m a big fan of having sports on in the background – every time something important happens, I always know thanks to the shouting. But between the important things that happen, there’s ton of crafting time!

  42. Nancy Mangel says:

    I like to listen to podcasts from NPR

  43. Rhiannon says:

    I always put on an audiobook and listen to that while sewing. I have them on my iPod in my pocket so it follows me from the sewing machine to the iron and I don’t have to worry about distractions, coz I probably won’t hear them!

  44. Lien says:

    Sometimes music but that’s it

  45. Sometimes I listen to a podcast or craftsy class, but i also enjoy silence!
    Yridge2 at yahoo.ca

  46. Laura says:

    I love to catch up on TV shows while I sew!

  47. I really enjoy the silence when I sew, after chasing all day my musicaly screaming boys 😉

  48. I always have to have something on in the background, be it a film, a podcast or some tv. I usually pick something that I don’t have to pay too much attention to, but that I can watch while doing small jobs like pinning.

  49. Terry D says:

    I either listen to music, or it’s quiet. I can’t concentrate on sewing if something’s on the tv. Thanks for the giveaway! Love your patterns.

  50. notsewsimple says:

    I usually have the radio on but sometimes I have Project Runway on in the background!


  51. Catherine in MI says:

    I still have to really focus when I sew, so I put on something that I don’t have to pay much attention too — like a favorite iHeart channel.

  52. 64colorbox says:

    I like to have audio books running. Or I have shows streaming on Netflix.

  53. Anna Smith says:

    I can have background noise, but I usually tune it out so it doesn’t matter what it is.

  54. Hayley says:

    I like to listen to podcasts, especially Stephanie at Modern Sewciety.

  55. Denise Swanson says:

    Kid noise makes up the background atmosphere in my home!

  56. syltoy68 says:

    I like music in the background, while I’m sewing.

  57. Alicia Martin says:

    I love closet case files! Fingers crossed

  58. Grace Lancaster says:

    I usually pseudo watch tv while I am sewing and cutting out patterns and such. a lot of HGTV haha, I love Rehab Addict.
    Would be so excited to try a Closet Cae Files pattern, I have been really interested in the Giner Pattern for a little while.s

  59. rhondalaws says:

    I have watched so many series on Netflix ….from beginning to end, while sewing, I can’t even tell you. That’s my favorite way to sew!

  60. Molly K says:

    Music and recently podcasts too

  61. Gracie G says:

    Not really. I’m not good enough at sewing to be allowed distraction!

    I am really hoping I win this… I have always loved the patterns but the smallest size is still one too big for me, so I have never bought them in case I can’t work out how to size them down. It would be wonderful to win this so I can try!

  62. duchick says:

    I use my iPad to hook up my speakers to Pandora and listen to several favorite stations to listen to. My mood changes often, so I change up my music too! Love Pandora!

  63. Denise says:

    I usually have Netflix on while I sew. My wii doesn’t automatically play the next episode, though, so sometimes I forget to play the next episode–then all I’m listening to is the sewing machine!

  64. Suzanne says:

    Yep, Pandora.

  65. Colesworth says:

    Usually TV catch up on the computer of things my other half is not interested in – Miss Fisher’s murder mysteries, project runway. I tried audible but I kept getting distracted and losing the plot!

  66. kitblue says:

    I am a news junkie and my favourite radio station plays all day long. When I am engrossed in what I am doing, I lose track of what’s on the radio.

  67. karen s says:

    I’ve set out to finish a project a week this year (deadlines being Sunday night before bed). So, usually I don’t get around to sewing until Sunday and I forego all Netflix and will put on a Pandora station or plug in an ipod into speakers and try to really focus on the bigger projects.

  68. Kat says:

    I love to binge watch Netflix while I sew!

  69. Rowena W says:

    When I think of it I often chuck on some music, but I can’t sew with anything visual (I don’t understand how you guys do it! I only can if I’m handstitching something or knitting), and I’m honestly perfectly happy sewing in silence, just me and the machine.

  70. linynp says:

    Oh I like background stuff be it golden girls at the 1am sewing or history channel in the day. When I rent the long armpit comes the iPod for music.

  71. Fiona Plug says:

    Bit of music, radio and podcasts…if the children get really noisy the music gets louder:-)

  72. I’m lucky to get sewing time, let alone time to set up a mood. I keep it simple and quiet.

  73. Diane says:

    I usually have the TV or a podcast on in the background when sewing.

  74. Rosie says:

    I’m itching to try the Ginger Jeans pattern!

  75. jane d says:

    I prefer listening to music while I sew.

  76. clairejcorry says:

    I like to have Netflix on when I see and catch up with shows although I do miss bits! . I would so love to make some ginger jeans

  77. Claire Ross says:

    I am new to sewing so don’t have any background distractions at present !!

  78. marjolein says:

    I Don’t have something running in the background, other than my kids 🙂

  79. Catriona says:

    I don’t have anything on when I’m using the sewing machine but I like to hand sew in front of something mindless on the TV. I sometimes watch something interesting but then I find that very little sewing actually gets done!

  80. Magdalena says:

    I usually watch/listen Netflix while sewing, but only stuff I either know or I don’t care about if I miss something. I also like to listen to the Modern Sewciety podcast.
    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  81. Donna says:

    I usually have the TV going, tuned to something that I don’t have to pay full attention to.

  82. Esther Lim says:

    I’ve always wanted to try a Closet Case Files pattern, especially the Ginger jeans. Thanks for the giveaway

  83. Anna-Jo says:

    Mostly I end up with silence, punctuated with snuffles through the baby monitor, but I do love listening to Radio 4 when I get the chance. Or Crowded House…

  84. Karen says:

    Oh I would so love to win that jeans pattern! Thanks for the chance!

  85. stoneysews says:

    I have two teens who are usually working or doing something very near my sewing area so I get the benefit of listening to whatever they are….:) When they aren’t home I sew mostly in silence.

  86. Emily says:

    Yes! I have either music or a movie playing on my phone 90% of the time. Sometimes the movie is distracting so I turn it off, but usually it helps me stay focused because I only watch said movie while I am sewing. Thank you for all of these amazing giveaways!

  87. RainDayPerson says:

    Talk Radio – CBC especially – Even If I don’t know I am paying attention I find I have new and interesting things to talk about in my new outfit!

  88. Mrs. Crumba says:

    If my children are in the room, I play kid movies, if it’s just me, I turn in a show for me or listen to Pandora.

  89. kate hill says:

    Sometimes I listen to spotify, occasionally I watch Netflix. Sometimes silence is golden (when the kiddos are asleep!)

  90. Kadri says:

    It completely depends on what I’m currently sewing. If it’s something that involves a bit of math then I have to have total silence. If I’m basting or hand-sewing then I usually have a TV series playing. If I’m just running between my machine and cutting table then I sometime have a playlist from Spotify on and listen to that. Guess it all depends on my mood!

  91. Alicia says:

    What a great giveaway! I’ve definitely been wanting the Nettie, but I love all of her designs!

    1. Alicia says:

      (/ I almost always have to have the TV on in the background, but it has to be something I’ve seen before or I’ll never get anything done.)

  92. Ginger says:

    I usually have a Craftsy class or music while I sew.

  93. I adore Heathers blog and would love to win her patterns! I always have music on when I sew as it llets my brain quieten down and recuperate as I sew!

  94. Terri says:

    I usually prefer quite and to be alone when I sew.

  95. megret1979 says:

    I alternate… trashy tv, podcasts, music.

  96. Dana says:

    Audiobooks from the library! Plus everything else.

  97. Ann says:

    Nothing. JuSt me and my machine. Ginger jeans- have seen so much about these on blogs

  98. Christa says:

    I definitely am a “catch up with my shows” kinda sewer — I’ll have shows playing as I’m sewing — otherwise, there isn’t time to watch! ALLLLL of Heather’s patterns are AMAZING!

  99. Sandra says:

    I’ve always wanted to use one of Heather’s patterns! I like to listen to music when I sew–I’ll get too distracted if I try to watch TV.

  100. Nadine G says:

    Love her patterns, mostly music.

  101. bergonia says:

    I have been eyeing those ginger jeans for a little while now! Hadn’t looked too close at the other two until now but what an awesome set!

  102. LaLa Sews says:

    I like quiet. If I played something else, how would I hear me talking to myself? !

  103. Debra says:

    Recently I’ve been running Netflix in my sewing room…Scandal, Orange is the New Black and now onto Grey’s Anatomy. Once I have the voices matched to the characters I can just listen as I create.

  104. Brenda says:

    It really depends. If I’m sewing something complicated, I prefer silence. Semi-complicated — usually between the project and the activity in my brain, I’m pretty satisfied. Boring, repetitive work — something light — oldies I can sign along to, a reccorded book (of the beach read type), NPR or the like on the radio.

  105. allisonsews says:

    I like to have something on TV that I don’t have to pay much attention to

  106. Nicole Merritts says:

    I almost always have some television show playing in the background. I grew up in a large family and hearing lots of voices while sewing feels like home.

  107. teri dodds says:

    I love to listen to podcasts when I sew, but usually I’m listening to all the noise my kids are making instead!

  108. Tatiana says:

    If I am sewing on a sewing machine, I need to concentrate and prefer quiet, but for handsewing I like listening to podcasts or radio.

  109. Alli says:

    I like listening to podcasts while I sew. 🙂

  110. Elizabeth says:

    The sounds of my kids some days, and other days music.

  111. Melanie says:

    I love to listen to an audio book or tv- although when I’m absorbed in the sewing I do often miss out parts of the storyline and get awfully confused!

  112. Cat says:

    Yes! I always have something on. Often TV because I sew at night after the kids are in bed, so it is the only time I have for TV and sewing!!

  113. sarah says:

    silence! which is precious in a house with three kids.

  114. Alice Lam says:

    Television or podcasts, like This American Life

  115. Kelley says:

    I usually have a Netflix show on in the background.

  116. Elizabeth C. says:

    Music or This American Life.

  117. Almost always someting going: a movie, binge watching a series, or some music. I switch it up depending on hos attentive I have to be to instructions and what is on the screen.

  118. Lena G. says:

    I always have our local public radio music station on.

  119. I usually listen to NPR or podcasts!

  120. Jenny Mac says:

    I love these patterns! Been dying to buy them for ages!

  121. Teresa says:

    Cutting out I love to rematch buggy or angel (shame!) but sewing to oldies music radio.

  122. auschick says:

    OMG I have been wanting the bombshell pattern for ages!! I am waiting until I’m actually in a position to sew a swimsuit up for myself… but maybe if I win this, I will have more incentive to go out and buy some swimsuit fabric and give it a shot! I never used to listen to anything while I sewed but recently I have started listening to some sewing podcasts.

  123. Wow, jeans!? I don’t know if I’d be that brave just yet.

  124. Melissa says:

    I’ve been wanting to get the Nettie pattern!

  125. ybat says:

    I always watch TV while I sew. It can be distracting but I must have it on.

  126. karenbolan says:

    I like working with music on, but sometimes the CD ends and I forget about it for an hour while I work in silence.

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