
When Sewing Goes Wrong


Sometimes, despite best intentions and many, many goes with the seam ripper, sometimes a sewing project just isn’t meant to be. I wanted to make this top after I saw it on Pleased As Punch. I figured it would look great with the contrasting neckline and elastic under the bust.

I thought, “What could go wrong?” Well, wrong it did go.

I started out with New Look #6962, just as Rachel’s top. I didn’t realize that the contrasting neckline was only a facing, meaning it would be pressed to the inside. So I dug into my stash and realized I had this Simplicity #4072 pattern, which *does* have the contrast showing. I re-cut the bodice pieces in accordance to the 2nd pattern. I sewed the bodice up, and when I laid it out, I almost patted myself on the back.

My contrasting neckline with the blue piping.

WRONG. I tried it on (btw it’s supposed to be loose, underneath the bust is supposed to go the elastic). The ‘V’ went down past my chest, meaning I’d have to wear a shirt underneath, which is not what I intended. So I tried taking it in a bit to make it more modest (lol). After that was said and done, I could barely get my head through it, it was quite tight, and the neckline on the back is kind of sticking up. I tried taking in the shoulder seams, but folks, this is about the most I feel inclined to do with this top. I’ve ripped each seam at least 2 or 3 times. To the scrap pile we go!

I even bought a button kit to make some tiny 1/2″ fabric-covered buttons. ::small tear::

On a last note, I might give the Torii Tunic by Serendipity Studio a go instead (Kay Whitt’s patterns are *extremely* well-written). But for now, I’m going to finish a quilt and work on a bag instead. Eh, I guess not every sewing project can be a success.

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14 thoughts on “When Sewing Goes Wrong

  1. amylouwho says:

    you are hilarious! That is an awesome picture! I actually don’t see anything wrong with the top. I’m sure it can be worked on, you just need a break. I love the contrast and the print! SO cute. I’m trying out several tunic/peasant shirt type tops, I’ll let you know how they work out. 🙂

  2. Bree says:

    Well, at least your picture is cute. 😉 Maybe it’s one of those projects you’ll be able to come back to after some time away from it, but even if not, at least you didn’t have a ton of fabric invested in it. I’m sure you can use those cute buttons as an accent on another dress or even a bag. Work them into your next tutorial/pattern!

  3. natashagoes says:

    The saddest! I had a similar turnout with a mid ’80’s romper pattern that improvised on and I was so sure would look cool. It didn’t. Gave up before I wasted more time finishing it.

  4. Oh no! How frustrating! Grrr, that happens. My 7 y.o. daughter has at least a couple “purses gone wrong” of mine! 😉

    Love your title & picture, so funny! Hopefully you do the Torii tunic, because I really like that one. I really am going to have to branch out into some of these patterns. 🙂

  5. I have a whole bunch of those FAILS!! 🙁 You’re not alone!

  6. Becky says:

    LOL – love that photo! Glad to know I’m not the only one with fails like this. It was a good attempt!

  7. I love that you are keeping it real. This is how I sew clothes…I don’t and just for this reason! Quilts for me please! LOL

  8. Tiffany says:

    The colors are fantastic – bummer that it went into the scrap pile. Maybe you will find inspiration for it later on when its not annoying you so much 🙂

    … i had some angry quilting last night with my king… not all sewing projects remind us why we love sewing lol.

    1. Toony says:

      I felt the same way today after many attempts at my first Ultimate Art Organizer. I was ready to tear the pieces apart! Your video is great. I watched it, like, seven times. Nothing helped, though, so I googled “when sewing goes wrong” in search of an uplifting (or at least funny) story from a fellow sewist, and I found this post! I guess sometimes it’s just not meant to be. I’m really sad because it looks definitely doable in the video. Why can’t I get it right?! I guess I’ll take a break from it for a while like a few people have suggested and maybe come back to it one day. Maybe I’ll take a “fail” picture like you did! That is really cute, by the way!

      1. sewsweetness says:

        Hi Toony, I would be happy to help! You can email me at [email protected]. Let me know what Step # that you are stuck on. Thank you!

  9. Jessica says:

    Oh no, don’t you hate that??!? I’m sure you’ll find another great project for those buttons though 🙂

  10. Emilie says:

    It doesn’t actually look that bad in the picture! However, I know what you mean when something just doesn’t fit right and you’ve ripped it apart several times… it’s maybe just not worth the effort. I just hope you hadn’t spent too much on the material! I love the purple. Maybe it will get repurposed into a bag?

  11. Kelly Irene says:

    Obviously you are not alone in the Fail Department! (I also don’t see anything wrong from the picture, but I totally understand!) My worst fail was last month when I couldn’t sew a stupid a-line skirt with elastic waistband. I mean, it doesn’t get more simple than that! I have pretty much sworn off the “professional” patterns because none have ever worked from me. The designer patterns (like Kay’s) on the other hand, I’m all for. The big pattern makers need to take a cue from the little guys (gals?)!

  12. Bummer! Well, at least you still have the button kit for another project 🙂

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