
Memory Quilt

Even when my son was still a baby (he’s going to be 4 next month. Wow!), I started saving his baby clothes. Not all of it, just special things that were my favorites. I did the same for my daughter, and I have a big plastic tote with these clothes. I knew that I wanted to make a quilt with these clothes, something to be able to look at while remembering and looking through old photos. At the time, I had never made a quilt, but since I completed my first one last month, I felt like it was time to start thinking about making these memory quilts.

It’s sure fun taking out these clothes that I had forgotten about. You just remember how tiny they used to be. I wasn’t sure what size squares to make, but I made a square as an example and decided that 6″ squares would be a good size as most of the embroidery or designs on the clothes would be small in size, anyway.

I still have some Christmas gifts to finish up, so I probably will only work on the two memory quilts sporadically, but it gave me a thought that whenever I have a trying day with my kids, I should set aside some time (even just 10 minutes) that night to cut a few pieces of clothes up into squares to remind me that I used to carry those little bundles around for hours on end. 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Memory Quilt

  1. Stina says:

    Aww, such a sweet thing! And I so love the idea of using it to get you back over the hump after a rough day… 🙂

  2. Kelly Irene says:

    Great idea! Once again I will be watching your progress because I still haven’t made up my mind whether I want to do this with Della’s clothes I have saved.

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